The Killer Whale

The Killer whale

Scientific classification

The Orca usually live in a family group (pods) of 5-30 individuals and in time of need, some pods merge to around 100 individuals. despite common beliefs, orcas are not whales they are a member of the dolphin family.

Female orcas reach maternity at age 10 and can often breed until age 40, after which comes a rapid decrease in fertility. orcas are among the small percentage of species which undergo menopause in their lifetime. to avoid inbreeding orcas usually mate with those outside their own pod.Orca typically live for around 60 years in the wild and in some studies, a few orcas actually reach 100 years of age.
Orcas are found in almost every ocean in the world, from the cold and icy seas in the artic to the more humid and warm waters in the tropics their huge and smart brain allowed them to adapt to their surroundings.

The orca's diet varied depends on the location of the orca itself. some orcas feed on fish like in Norway and Greenland. some even feed on sea mammals like seals or even dolphins like in the coast of California and Mexico. a single orca can easily prey on a large seal but a pod of orcas can prey on something much larger than themselves like Great white sharks and even the largest animal in the world the blue whale. but despite that, there has been no recorded event of an orca attack in the wild the two deaths caused by orcas are from orcas in captivity.

What makes the orca so great isn't just the skills that allowed them to survive in the wild but social skills that every pod has and taught to their offspring, there have been numerous cases where orcas actually saved humans from sharks, and orcas are thought to have their own special language. orcas also have a special bond with their mother and members of the pods. like us, orcas mourn their dead. orcas are also one of the few species that pass the mirror test, by recognizing themselves in the mirror orcas are aware of their own consciousness and has a sense of self.

considering all the evidence it's a mystery why humans still hunt them for meat, endanger them by pollution, and imprison them and forcing them to do tricks for our entertainment. the question is not whether orcas are intelligent and complex's whether humans are empathizing enough to see it.

Pop Quiz!!

1.How many orcas does one pod consist of?
e)All of the above

2.What skill helped the orca the most?
a) big brains
b) big teeth
c) scary face
d) Great Personality
e)  black and white skin

3. What is the greek name of the orca?
a) Orcinus orca
b) orcae dylothicus
c) Orchaenus Orca
d Orcanicatusiadimanasih

4. where can an orca be found?
a) Ur mommas bed
b) california's coast
c) indonesian waters
d) Every ocean on earth

5. Orca cannot eat...
a) Great White Sharks
b) Blue Whales
c) Humpback whales
d) krills


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